About The Wondr Academy

The Wondr Academy grew out of The Wondrlust Project and is the name we give to the range of research, development and testing work that we do and have done in-house over the past few years.

The Wondr Academy is a place where people come to learn and share ideas and experiment, because, like them, we believe that collaboration is at the heart of all great work. Like them we want to inspire fresh, creative excellence and share knowledge. The Academy is a place where we test and try new ideas in a safe environment and we want people to be part of this process. This is a creative incubator. A place where we can understand better what connects people emotionally.

You can hopefully see that our underlying focus is not on marketing or corporate solutions per se. We are thinking about something that is life changing for individuals, making their lives better – through events, environments and experiences.

To succeed, we aim to be at the forefront of research and, as such, we are looking to partner with a university and academic institution. If you would like to find out more or discuss working with us, click on this link.

The Wondr Academy Launch Event

Understanding how to fulfil your true potential

Our Next Events

nothing any portfolio item.

Our Past Events


19th March 2019

In March we launched Reboot 2019, with talks from some of our country’s leading academics on the 4 pillars of Physical Health.

The Mayfair Dash

11th June 2018

As part of our Wondr Academy work we are excited to be trialling and testing our own concept designed around the 7 habit framework.

Webinar With Chip Conley

31st October 2017

Bestselling author, hospitality entrepreneur, disruptive business rebel, and social change agent, Chip Conley is a leader at the forefront of the sharing economy.

Wondr Academy News

Work With Us

We invite you to participate, whether it is just an initial conversation, involvement in development work or attending courses and seminars.

Create a talk

Work with us

One on one consultation

Work with us

Personal development

Work with us

Train Your Team

Work with us

Design an experience

Work with us

Customer event

Work with us