Experiences To Transform People’s Lives

To date, much of what we have done as a company has been helping brands with finding and activating the right partnerships / sponsorships to help build strong customer relationships. Done well it can be a wonderful way to create strong value links, dynamic content and audience engagement. It can also feel cynically commercial.

For us, doing it well means benefiting all those we are trying to reach and – where we can – creating life changing experiences. At its best Partnerships goes beyond the sales graph, helps people and creates a positive impact on the community. It brings fundamental benefits and change to people’s lives. It connects the values of the business and the event. It means something and adds value, working with existing events or creating your own.

And it is understanding how best to add real value, to make something special, that is behind what we do. And first of all you have to understand people and, specifically, the people you are trying to engage with.

So, at iMedia we have a vision, something which transcends everything we do. It shapes our culture, drives our business approach, determines our attitude and forms the backbone of our everyday working lives. It gives us energy, drives our sprit and creates our personality.

This is why we get out of the bed in the morning

We want to be a business that makes a difference to people’s lives. We want to help them connect, feel alive, be passionate.

We want the work we do with companies to have a powerful and positive impact on their employees, their customers and, where possible, the broader community.

And we want to shake things up, think differently and beyond the normal corporate limits of just meeting expectations. At its peak, we want our work, in partnership with our clients, to bring fundamental benefits and change to people’s lives. To have real meaning and add real value.

We learn and understand about the shared values of the people we serve. Are they in need of;
fun: a boost
inspiration: in a rut
fulfilment: maximise potential
balance: work/life
values: frustration
meaning: more to life
resilience: struggling
There. Not the normal aspiration of the normal marketing business.

But that is why we get out of bed in the morning. We have an urge to challenge and disrupt but all in the cause of making a difference, helping, finding meaning and purpose.

Because as a business we are passionate and want to be proud of what we do. And we want to work with companies who aspire to the difference that we – us and them – can make.

So we call ourselves a Peak Experience Agency. We want to be clear about our focus, the creation of moments that transcend and elevate, the knowledge of how to do this and in what environments and settings. Whether it is nature, art, music, community or sport.


…and the beauty is its just about rediscovery

Let’s Design Your Experience


Design your experience


Design your experience


Design your experience


Design your experience


Design your experience


Design your experience